Spring Woodlands is no longer in their building which means I am now officially working out of the home. Which is really odd, but pretty cool at the same time! The church is actually meeting at Oak Ridge High School now. I thought it was going to be a hard transition, but it has been anything but that. It's been very comfortable and minimal. There's a very familial feel.
Now that we're at Oak Ridge we are offically called Grace Crossing, a Community Church of Christ.
A bunch of girls in my youth group are HUGE Smallville fans and so I have started watching Smallville for two reasons. One because I want to be able to join in their conversations about the show, and two because they've assured me that I will love it. So one of them gave me season one. I've watched almost two discs now (approximately 5 episodes) and it has been... weird. Shape shifting and girl eating raw road kill kind of weird.
The Girls Reflecting Glory conference (the conference that I've been helping with since September) is a little less than two weeks away. It's been crazy and it's going to be an awesome conference. Check it out here: http://girlsreflectingglory.org/index.htm
I have a new friend (Jeremy) who is pretty awesome and is also a HUGE Seinfeld fan!
It is super cold in Houston right now. Which I don't mind normally, but it's cold and rainy and they're expecting freezing rain and sleet overnight. Blech. I'm just praying that the electricity doesn't go out.
I'm reading Blue Like Jazz right now.
Learning as an Act of Love
5 years ago
1) im impressed with your dedication. Its true commitment to your kids when you have to watch that show to connect.
2) thanksfor the shout out
3)blue like jazz is awesome. he's my fav christian author. very outside of the "traditional church" box.
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