I just found mine. Well maybe I rediscovered it. I dunno.
I just got back from the National Conference of Youth Ministers which was in Colorado Springs, Colorado. While I was in Colorado, I was also able to spend the weekend with the BFF, Dee. I've been to Colorado many times, but always in the summer, and I've always loved it. I didn't realize how magical it was during the winter! I fell in love with it all over again.
The conference was amazing and I learned so much and was able to commune with the Lord like I haven't been able to in quite some time. We stayed in a beautiful resort that was at the foot of the mountains. I had a balcony that looked out onto the Lord's splendorous creation. It snowed on Thursday and I was pretty much flipping out the entire time.
And being with Dee in Denver (well, technically she lives in Golden which is a suburb of Denver) was so awesome! She lives in the most fabulous little town. Just being able to be with her was fabulous. Sunday was such a healing day. I laughed harder and more than I have in a long long time.
So basically, moving to Colorado has been added to the list of things I want to do in my lifetime.
uuuhhhh HUH. just what i THOUGHT!
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