Hello all! Just to clarify, these are NOT spoilers. I stand with Mugglenet, Sugarquill, and JK herself on spoilers (I HATE THEM). These are merely friendly predictions I have! You are more than welcome to disagree with them! Now the big reason I'm posting these is because if I'm right about ANY of them I want the proof to be immortalized by the internet. Just so I can say "I told you so!"
I'm kidding... kind of.
So here it is for all to see:
Snape is NOT evil. I'm certain of this (which is pretty dangerous to say). I know, he killed Dumbledore, but what if Snape and Dumbledore were conversing via Legilimancy and when Dumbledore said "Severus please" he was wanting Severus to kill him? They were having a conversation without speaking. And Dumbledore, not wanting to blow Snape's cover and knowing he was going to die no matter what, decided to sacrifice himself to the cause.
That being said, I wholly believe that Dumbledore is dead- as a broomstick. But I don't necessarily think that all communication with him has been severed. Think Obi Wan circa Episode IV. Think about all those portraits handing in the headmaster's office.
Harry is NOT going to die. Even if he is, as I suspect, a horcrux, there will be a way for him to survive- and I believe it has something to do with the dementors. If Harry is a horcrux and he has a part of Voldy's soul within him then perhaps the dementors can literally suck the evil out of Harry.
Ron and Hermione will get together. Or they already ARE together and we will see more evidence of it. For all you delusional Harry/Hermione fans- read the books. It aint gonna happen. Ron and Hermione will finally (FINALLY!!) get together. I've been predicting that since the third book and praise the Lord I think they've both finally figured it all out.
That being said, the fact that Harry and Ginny have already gotten together and "split up" (note the sarcastic quotes), I don't think that means ANYTHING. I'm pretty sure that if Harry, Ron, and Hermione go off to find the horcruxes that even if Mr. Potter demands that Ginny stays behind she won't. And she'll probably bring Luna and Neville along with her. Harry will realize that he really is glad she's there and they'll get back together as soon as Voldy's gone and live happily ever after. And live right next to Ron and Hermione. Their children will grow up together and everything will be fantastic.
Things however will not be fantastic for the next two people I'm about to mention. Those are the people I theorize are going to kick the bucket in this next book. The first one I've been predicting to die for a while. Since like freshman year of college and when he didn't die in OotP, I figured his days were probably numbered. That person is Hagrid. The other person I think that is going to die is Snape. After its been revealed that he really is on the good side. I think that he will die for Harry. Pretty much if anyone else dies I'm going to be sad. REALLY sad.
Voldemort will not die. I know that sounds AWFUL, but Dumbledore said that there are things that are worse than death and I think he will be vanquished and experience something worse than death.
And my final theory is completely a pipe dream, but ever since the final book it has bugged me.
This is not the last book. JK promised us 7 years at Hogwarts and although I think that Hogwarts will reopen, Harry isn't going to return to it (and we go where he goes). This is merely a go-between and there will be a final book of Harry's final year at Hogwarts. A year where he has to deal with everyday things and not Voldy and death eaters and the like. Deanna thinks I'm like the H/Hers (delusional), but I might as well voice my opinion!
So there you have it. Those are my basic predictions. I've got more but these are the big ones. If you want to know my opinion on anything else, please feel free to ask!!
Love and Harry!
Learning as an Act of Love
5 years ago
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