Thursday, October 04, 2007

What it all boils down to is that I need to stop watching the Office before I go to bed...

I've had two Office dreams in the past two weeks. Vivid ones and fabulous ones. I feel that each dream (though each a little strange) could be the basis of some very funny fan-videos or perhaps (in the case of the first dream) even an episode!

Dream #1:
It was like I was living in an episode of the office and I was PAM! The whole crew was on a road trip in an RV and Michael wouldn't let anyone touch anything in it! He had misunderstood something about the insurance or something. He kept yelling at everyone not to move anything, so after everyone went to bed Jim and I got up and rearranged EVERYTHING. And at one point we high-fived and he held on to my hand (and it was AMAZING)! And he went in to kiss me, but Michael woke up to get a glass of water and yelled at the two of us and woke Meredith and Kevin up too.

Dream #2:
I was at ACU (but it wasn't ACU...) and we were getting ready for Sing Song. I'm in the dorm with my friends (like you and Dee and my ACTUAL friends) and my boyfriend, Jim Halpert (what!? boys in the dorm!?). Well I went and took a shower and RIGHT in the middle of the shower, the Dorm Director (Michael Scott) calls an emergency meeting. So I get out, throw on a TOWEL and run outside with the rest of the dorm. And micheal starts making us do our Sing Song routine! AND I AM STILL IN MY TOWEL!! I was doing Sing Song moves ONE HANDED! And I remember walking back to the dorm with Jim, and laughing and him holding my hand and just being completely comfortable IN MY TOWEL!
