Sunday, February 17, 2008

Belated Valentine's Day!

So I've been talking/reading about my friends' Valentine's days and so I figured that mine was pretty spectacular, so why not share!

First off, I would like to share that my Valentine was my art. Yes, you heard me correctly, my art. I went to my first Fort Worth audition on Valentine's Day and it was awesome!

What made it better was that it was for Beauty and the Beast, and if you know me well at all, you know that Belle is my DREAM ROLE. I will play her at some point in my life. She's like my ultimate goal--theatre wise.

So I went to Arlington to go to this audition and it felt great to use the talents that God has not only given me, but given me the opportunity to build and learn. I sang almost 32 bars of "Sweet Liberty" from Jane Eyre which my voice teacher in college always said was "well fitted for my voice." I was on such a high after auditioning that my leg wouldn't stop shaking! I was in a room with two precious little high schoolers. One of whom, after the audition, came up to me and said, "You're voice is BEAUTIFUL!" which was such a blessing to hear.

The next night I trekked it back out to Arlington to do a dance/cold reading audition for the same show. It was a good 3 and a half hours of being in a room with high school and junior high kids. Everything went well, I felt really great about the work that I did (dancing and all!), but I knew that with the ages that were in the room, I was unlikely to get cast as Belle (and I had written that I would not accept any role other than Belle- because, and I'm going to sound like a snob, I have too much talent and not enough time to be a dancing spoon in a non-paying gig). So when the callbacks were posted, I was pretty surprised that I wasn't called back (because I'd been one of the strongest actors in the room). But at the same time, there wasn't a single guy that could have played the Beast opposite of my Belle (because of size/talent).

But I had FUN and I absolutely LOVE auditioning. It was a good experience! It was a GREAT Valentine's Day! Plus, I got a card from some of my junior high kiddos that said: Happy Valentine's Day (or Singles Awareness Day!) From: Jacob Black. Which tickled me to no end! And I got a package from the BFF! AND it was LOST THURSDAY! All in all, the best Valentine's Day EVER!

Oh, and I'm auditioning for Romeo and Juliet on Tuesday with the roommates! Wish me luck!