Saturday, May 17, 2008

The X-Files Trailer Debut... Part II

Okay, so obviously, I didn't get to watch the X-Files trailer debut when I thought I was going to.  Ruthie and I had stayed up till midnight to watch it debut, only to realize that we were two hours early.  It was debuting at 12:01 PACIFIC STANDARD TIME.  And since both of us are big girls and have jobs and such, we decided that staying up till 2am was not a good plan.

But the anticipation of watching the trailer was TOTALLY fun.  Especially with Ruthie.  Hopefully she'll come see the  actual movie with me! 

I ended up watching the trailer Monday morning while I ate my breakfast.  I made a movie, but it wasn't near as funny (were the other videos that I put up funny?  Or was it just Ruthie and I being dumb at midnight?)

So without further adieu... the X-Files: I Want to Believe trailer!