Saturday, August 23, 2008

Random Musings on a Saturday Night

-I read Breaking Dawn.  It was terrible.  Completely unrealistic.  And in Ruth's wise words "loooooooong."  If you are a teenage girl that reads my blog, please know that life is challenging.  It is hard.  And our "happily ever after" rests in the hands of our amazing, loving, and omnipresent Father in Heaven and not the hands of any boy or man (fictional or not).  Don't worry, I have trouble remembering that some days too.

-I spent the weekend in Abs with the Bff.  The Schmoopster.  We had an awesome time.  We watched a ridiculous amount of X-Files (she started the series a few weeks back!  Hooray!!); a lot of Olympics (yay DIVING!!); walked to various places like Cajun Cones, the library, and United, and played a really intense game of Phase 10 (Kelli won the Gold, I won the Silver, and Dee won the Bronze).  It was a really relaxing weekend.  Especially considering that I have to move out of my apartment next weekend.

-Speaking of the X-Files, Dee gave me such a great compliment.  During our watching experience, I would frequently say "PAUSE PAUSE!" and being a good and loving (and patient) friend, she would pause the dvd while I told her some random and relevant tidbit about the episode we were watching.  She told me that I should make a "Pop-Up Version of the X-Files" like the Lost episodes with the pop-ups!  Wouldn't that ROCK!?

-I'm moving out next weekend.  Sad days.  No more roommate bonding...  SAAAAAD!

-However I'm moving IN with the Barkers!  Hooray!  What a blessing to have such a sweet family from Altamesa take me for a short period of time!

-Remember the time the ATM shredded my check card!?  Yeah... there was a power surge the other day when I went to make a deposit (it was really stormy and the power had been going on and off) right before I was supposed to get the card back.  And so it got STUCK in the ATM.  I waited for like 10 minutes for it to miraculously spit the card back out (the video footage is probably HYSTERICAL- I kept begging the machine to give it back).  When it finally booted back up, it said it was out of order.  Great.  So I called the bank the next day and they can't give it back.  Instead the machine SHREDS it.  So she ordered me a new one.  Which won't be here for another week.  Which means I've been surviving on cash and checks.  Welcome back to the 80s and 90s Lauren...

-Mandy B is coming to visit tomorrow!  She's such a great friend.  We're both single, female, youth ministers and she's so wise.  It's an incredible blessing that she's coming for a few days!

-My room is incredibly bare right now.  It is very sad.  

-Don't talk to me about the Harry Potter release date.  I'm lashing out irrationally about it.

-Honestly, and I don't want to put down any one else's jobs, but I have the best job in the world.  And I work with the greatest people in the world.  And I have the best teenagers in the world.  I mean, who else would get a call from a 14 year old boy asking if he could wear his wet suit to church on Sunday?!  BEST JOB EVER!!

-12 dollar jean sale at Old Navy=VERY HAPPY LAUREN!  Particularly after I had to get rid of like 4 pairs (because they were too big!!) last weekend.  And by "get rid of" I don't mean "take to dumpster" Mam, I took them to Goodwill.  You taught me right!

-The more and more I think about it, the more I absolutely LOVE the Host.  The Twilight Trilogy (yes, I think of it as a trilogy- Breaking Dawn doesn't count because it was so bad) doesn't even come close to being as good as the Host was.  

-Ashley and I are re-reading Harry Potter.  And (in our dorkiness) are planning on doing discussions on them.  SO FUN!

-Rebekah, one of my wonderful teens sent this to me: Alternate Ending to Breaking Dawn
And I think it's BRILLIANT!