Thursday, July 02, 2009

Random (delirious) Musings!

-Just got back from Galveston Mission Trip!  It was amazing!  And I (kinda) learned how to sheet rock.  It was like one gigantic puzzle piece.  It was hard, frustrating, and fun work!  The teens rocked that sheet rockin'!  Plus, every night we went to the beach and even though the Galveston beach is pretty far down on my list of favorite places, it was still amazing.  And I totally flew a kite!

-We got home at like 1pm today and I literally dragged my stuff into my apartment, threw a load of laundry into the wash (EVERYTHING had sand in it!), and passed out on my couch with Phoebe in between my arms.  I took a glorious nap and then went and got a pedicure where I promptly fell asleep again.  In the pedicure chair.  With my favorite pedi lady (Tu!) massaging my feet.  I woke up when she started painting my toes.

-I leave for Mpulse on Sunday! 

-I started Star Trek: Next Generation and love it!  Next on my Geeky List is Firefly (for you, Moo-Moo!), Battlestar Galactica, and (maybe) Dr. Who (for Bekah).

-Watching sci-fi so reminds me of sitting by the river at Bandina.  I know, bear with me, I promise I'll connect the seemingly random dots.  Each year at Bandina (the camp I grew up at) we would all go down to the river and watch baptisms and sing until like 1am.  Well, the stars are really defined out there in the middle of no-where.  Certainly more defined than they are in Houston.  So I would sing and just stare at them all.  And I always felt like I was being called to the stars.  I even wrote in my diary one year that I felt like God was calling me to them.  So when I watch shows or movies where people are able to actually go visit all the unknown planets and stars and suns and moons of our galaxy it makes me almost ache with desire to see them.  Who knows... maybe God is calling me there.  Maybe that's what heaven is... 

-I am continuing to pray for Jon and Kate and family, but I won't watch the show anymore.  I've already watched my own family split apart, it will be horribly painful to watch that process again.

-I finally finished Half-Blood Prince!  I read Time Traveler's Wife while in Galveston and then started Deathly Hallows.  I had forgotten how heart-wrenching, humorous, and painful DH is.  I've only read it once (2 years ago!) and so it's like reading it for the first time again.  There was one part in particular that even as I type this out, just gives me horrible, scary chills and makes me just want to sob.  And I did (though fairly quietly) in front of several high school girls.

-HBP with Ash and Lauren in 12 days!  I can't wait to spend another HP event with Ash!  And my first HP event with Lauren!

-I turn 26 in 18 days.  Wow.

-That being said... I've realized that once again I've been getting too comfortable.  And when I get comfortable, that means that I'm usually not stepping out in faith.  So if I take you by surprise, know that I'm stepping out on a limb and trusting that God will either A) Provide more limbs or B) Catch me if I fall.  Either way, I need to constantly be reminded that my life is in my Creator's hands and not my own.  Please pray that I will be brave and will allow God full control of my life.


Taylor said...

My cousin goes to bandina! I wish I could've gone on the mission trip :(

Ashley said...

Firefly and Dr. Who are TOTALLY awesome!! :) Ryan introduced me to both. Can't WAIT for HP!!! :)