Thursday, June 10, 2010


Well it's Thursday. Only one day of camp left.

And today's theme is Sabbath.

Tonight, my friend Kera and I are speaking. A few weeks ago when we got together to work on how we were going to divide the speaking time up and what we were actually going to say and do, we weren't exactly sure how we were going to tell the teens that they needed Sabbath.

Or WHY they needed Sabbath.

Which was a clear indication to both of us that God was going to speak to us through this lesson.

Sabbath is all about trust.

It's trusting that God is in control of you life. And when he says you need a time of rest and renewal to focus on Him, you give it to him.

The Israelites worked 7 days a week. They didn't have time for Sabbath (sound familiar?).

But God demanded it of them in the 10 Commandments.

And I'm sure that the Israelites pushed back on this law. They probably whined and complained that there wasn't time for the rest he commanded them to take, they would fall back on their work, they wouldn't complete the tasks that needed to be completed...

But God wants us to trust in his design of us. He created us with the need to rest and reflect on Him.

So today, on the 4th day of camp, where every teenager I have seen looks completely pooped, pray that our teens will use today as a way to start practicing Sabbath.

I'm sure that their/your reaction to this will be, "there's no time for the rest he commanded, we'll fall back on our work, we won't complete the tasks that need to be completed..."

But remember, God is our Holy Creator.

Do we trust Him enough to rest in Him?