Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I am blessed.

And here are some of the blessings in my life that I am thankful for:

-My Lord and my Jesus. I struggle and churn with doubt and flesh, but never turn away. I can't tell you how much joy and comfort I find in my relationship with Christ. Sometimes I just sit in awe at the grace that has been given to me because let me tell you, I DON'T DESERVE IT. Praise God for sending His One and Only for us.

-Relationships and Fellowship. Where would we be without the people who lead us and challenge us? I am so thankful for the people in my life that encourage me to "give it to God", to look beyond my comfort zones, to see people the way God sees them, and to love beyond what I am able to (but can because of Him).

-Worship. There is great joy in praising our God and Savior. Sunday night we had a Thanksgiving Community Worship with many MANY other churches in our area. It was incredible to see so many congregations (I work for a Church of Christ and there were Baptist, Presbyterian, Assembly of God, Christian churches all there... and many more!) come together to worship. We have our differences, but the One thing we have in common is the MOST important thing. Worship is one of my absolute favorite things to take part in. I've said before that I would be perfectly content to sing on a praise team as my job for the rest of my life. I'm pretty sure that's my dream job.

-Gathering. I am praising God for the ability to gather with my family this week. And to see friends (MAGS!!!!) and just spend time with the people I love.

I pray that your Thanksgiving is blessed and you find joy in much this holiday weekend!