Friday, February 13, 2009

Lost According to Lauren: This Place is Death

Spoilers on this weeks episode, friends.  Proceed with caution!

-Mrs. Hawking is Daniel's mum.  DUH!

-I don't blame Kate at all for taking Aaron and getting the heck out of dodge.  She's got every right to be angry at Jack.  So for once in my life, I would run from Jack.  But next weeks episode look like she's gonna run straight back to him.  My theory?  She needs something from him.  *sigh*  Remember the time on the island when they were flirting and happy and there wasn't so much junk in between them?  I am hoping that they (and we) can all forgive and forget all that junk...

-Ben continues to elude me.  What/why is he helping them?  Does he think he can get back to the island with them?  I thought Jacob told him he couldn't return... am I wrong in remembering it that way?  And when he pulled the car over and yelled at Jack and Sun... SO FUNNY.  I'm guessing he's sick of being the bad guy...

-Michele, you're right/have been right.  John Locke is the man.  This week when he turned the wheel, even with a BONE STICKING OUT OF HIS LEG, I was moved by his faith.  He may be unconventional, but he's seen something nobody else can see.  He knows why and how he's meant to be on the island and is willing to give his life for it.  Jack is meant to do something as well, but he just doesn't have the faith (though it seems like he's growing).  So many parallels here... 

-The arm ripped off that guy?  *large shiver*  I screamed.  Loudly.  Phoebe was flipping out.

-The smoke monster guarding the temple?  What!?  That totally threw me a curve ball.  The temple is where the others are, right?  How do they get in there?  Does the smoke monster like them?  What is IN the temple!?  So many questions...

-Is the smoke monster the reason for Rousseau's team going nuts?  And could the smoke monster be controlling others (no pun intended) on the island as well?  Is it the reason for John and Ben's unhaltling devotion to protect the island?

-Does anyone else wonder occasionally about the "Magic Box"?

-It was the most wonderful thing in the world when Jin finally encountered Sawyer and crew.  I was telling Deanna when you think back to the first season when the Losties were new to one another, they weren't friends at all.  But it's amazing what a little time on a scary island can do to change that!  I love to see and watch camaraderie!  It makes my heart happy!  And I love it when Jin gets mad and starts speaking frantic Korean.  It cracks me up!!  He gets so frustrated and angry, you've got to laugh so that you don't cry...

-I was just waiting for Charlotte to die in this episode.  Much as I so didn't WANT her to die, I knew it was going to happen.  And good grief, how much time-traveling is/does/will Daniel do!?  He talks to Charlotte as a little girl?!  And bless his heart and hers, they didn't even share a kiss!  My friend Allison said that it looked like he was going to, but then she said the weird thing about chocolate before dinner and died... so sad.

-John and the donkey wheel... did anyone else think that it looked very poorly crafted?  The art department is usually phenomenal on this show, but there was no weight behind it this time.  It looked very obviously like it was made of foam.  So do we think that the flashes are going to stop now because John "unstuck" the wheel?  How awful is it that John unstuck the wheel just AFTER Charlotte died.

-How the heck are they going to convince Sayid to go back with them?  Are they?  What will happen if they go back without him?  Is Jacob gonna get mad?

-I can't wait to find out about Desmond and where he fits into all of this!