Wednesday, March 03, 2010

LOST According to Lauren: Bartee Edition


And of course spent with two of my favorite people in the entire world: the Bartees.

Its been many a season since we've shared an episode of LOST together, but the entire third season was watched on their living room floor (and a few from the second and fourth season as well). It brought back a flood of LOST crew memories watching it with them tonight. You guys rock- on many levels! :)

Now on with the show. Spoilers for this weeks episode Sundown abound in plenty!

-Does anyone remember the "magic box" that Ben told Locke about in the third season (right?)? I feel like they are bringing that idea back...

-Okay, I had a thought tonight while driving away from the Bartees. It's fractured and half-thought-out, but bear with me... what if Jacob and unLocke are aware of the existence of the second timeline and are able to use it to bring people to the island from the other timeline?Does that make any sense? It's almost 1am, so it might not make sense.

-Claire is creepy. Carly said that they've done something to her eyes to make her look that whacked out, and I agree. Because she does look super scary and I don't think (so sorry Emilie di Ravin) she's good enough of an actress to play something that subtly...

-On the other side of things, Terry O'Quinn rocks my world out. Good gravy he's good at being unLocke.

-It's official, I'll never be able to listen to "Catch a Falling Star" again.

-Goodness Sayid kicked some major heinie tonight, didn't he? What was it that Duggan was afraid of? The evilness reaching his heart? I think it has.

-KEAMY!!!KEAMY!!!KEAMY!!!KEAMY!!!KEAMY!!!KEAMY!!! I LOVED Keamy. I thought he was so super creepy and so super good lookin'. I literally grinned like a crazy Claire when he turned around. And then he died (again) and I was sad...

-There was no recognition of things being "amiss" with Sayid this episode like we've seen in the other LAX flash-sideways'. Odd... does that mean that Sayid doesn't realize things are amiss because he's evil? And does this still mean he's a candidate? Even if he's evil?

-The most depressing things Dan Carlson wrote today on his Pajiba recap: Will Kate be able to do anything helpful? I’d thought last week that her role as an island protector was in play, but at the recent Paley Television Festival in Los Angeles, executive producer Carlton Cuse said that her name is indeed crossed out, but that they hadn’t shot a good close-up or edited in the proper footage they needed to show this. Maybe she’ll need that rifle after all.

-KATE!?!?! NO!!!!!!!!!!! I hope she's not really bad. But she did look like she was in some sort of trance at the end of the episode which will REALLY upset me. I love Kate... I don't want her to be evil. *sigh*

-OH! And they totally messed with my brain tonight. I was just SURE that this was going to be a Sun-Centric episode because they've BEEN following the same path of the first season's flashbacks (Kate-centric, Locke-centric, Jack-centric...) but they SHOOK THINGS UP! And I was all telling the Bartees how it was going to be Sun-centric and thinking I'm so smart and BLAM! A Sayid episode. Named "Sundown." Dan and Carlson... you're just trying to confuse us all...

That's all I got today, folks! Hopefully I'll post a video of Mags and I discussing our theories cause its pretty darn funny. :)