Tuesday, February 23, 2010

LOST According to Lauren: Lighthouse

Look at me! Two in less than 24 hours! I rock. As soon as the episode was over I rushed to my comp to type these thoughts out in between getting ready for bed. And then I typed a little this morning.

Spoilers abound! Careful friends! And without further adieu...

-First of all I would like to say that I'm weak. I realize this. It's okay. Confession: I started rewatching Season 1 this weekend. It's actually been super helpful and not completely ridiculous in terms of me trying to keep up with 4 different timelines. And the last episode I watched before I watched tonight's episode? The one where Claire gets kidnapped. Um, how weird is that?

-Let's start (for real) with Claire. Good night, what a whirlwind tonight was! She's def evil. All sorts of evil. And the thought of that happening to Sayid? Right now I just want them back the way they are. And to tell Kate to RUN straight into the forest and set up camp far FAR away from Claire.

-And speaking of, what quick thinking on Jin's part to tell Claire he was lying. I literally had a pillow clutched in my hands in tension during that entire last scene. And how creepy was Claire when she told Jin that John was her "friend." No ma'am.

-Oh gosh, poor Jack. My absolute favorite part of tonight was seeing his very vulnerable side. When he told Hurley that he was back at the island because he was broken and he thought that the island could fix him... oh goodness. Powerful stuff. And seeing him with his son David (I'll get to that in a minute) was beautiful. If you're in my youth group or have kids in my youth group, get ready, I'll be using that scene in a lesson sometimes. "You don't have to worry about failing because I will always love you."

-Bless my neighbors. I'm quite loud (shocking I know) when I watch LOST (really I'm loud no matter what, but I'm ESPECIALLY loud when I watch LOST) and when Jack when and picked up David I literally yelled out, "BAH!!!!!!!!!"

-Literally every Jack and Kate moment is fueled with tension. How do they resist mackin' down (making out for those of you who did NOT grow up in the SWCC youth group) when they look at each other like that?!

-Okay, I LOVE Hurley. He makes everything good. And I love that Jacob knows him so well that hecan just tell him to do something and Hurley does it. Unlike Jack and Kate and pretty much every other Lostie. And you know why I love Hurley even more? I love that he has completely embraced his ability to talk to dead people.

-My big prediction of the night? Jacob is trying to get Walt back to the island *shudder* Creepy kid...

-How very Satan-like of Locke to call himself a "friend" to Claire.

-If you don't already go there, a great website for screenshots is: http://losteastereggs.blogspot.com/

-And because of LostEasterEggs, I was able to see that Kate's name is on the spin-wheel thingy. So he's been watching her but she isn't a candidate. What makes you worthy of being on the spin-wheel thingy? Oh and Ben's on the list, but his name was crossed out. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN!?!?

I think that's all I've got for today! Happy LOSTing!