Wednesday, March 31, 2010

LOST According to Lauren: The Package

Okay, I know I didn't do one for last weeks ep, but I've been crunched for time (I went on VACAY to Destin with the BFF- which I will blog about soon!). This will probably be a pretty short post. Mostly because my thoughts during this ep were centered around trying not to dwell on the fact that I was tired (the BFF and drove 12+ hours yesterday).

So, spoiler alert and here we go:

-Okay, KEAMY!!!!! I SO knew it was him that was knocking on the door and then when he appeared I "KEAMY"-ed with delight! Okay, so he might look like a chipmunk, but I think he's so good lookin'...

-YAY for a Sun/Jin centric episode! And is anyone else completely panicked that all will NOT end well for them? *sigh* Dan and Carlton: I WANT A HAPPY ENDING!!!

-Which brings me to my next question: what happens if someone dies in one timeline or the other? Is that significant? I think it should be... But I'm not sure in what way.

-Dee and I were talking yesterday about whether or not a candidate could become the keeper of the island if they didn't want to. For example, if Sun or Jin is unwilling to be a candidate, can they be one? Honestly, I see Jack or Hurley as the best contenders for the island protector. They are the most willing. And I think willingness is a big deal.

-I love that Mikhail was shot in the eyeball. Hilarious!

-Okay, the scene with Sayid and unLocke (MIB... whatever you want to call him) was bone chilling. He doesn't feel. It so reminds me of the book the Host by Stephenie Meyer. Because to be human is to FEEL. And that unLocke tells him it's for the best... no bueno.

-Okay, if Dharma was experimenting with subliminal messages, wasn't that what Ben was doing too? Why were they both experimenting with it? What is the need to brainwash people like Karl? It might be a moot point, but just wondering...

-Claire if you kill Kate so help me... (bum bum bum bum)

-So is Widmore good or bad? Is Ben good or bad? Is there even good or bad? My brain hurts...

-And why did unLocke leave Sun alone? What's up with that? Does tha mean she's not a candidate?

-I'm NOT pleased that Desmond is back. I mean, I am because I like the character, but the poor dude needs a break. HAPPY ENDINGS! Poor Desmond and Penny and baby Charlie.

That's all I've got for today! YAY LOST!