Tuesday, March 23, 2010

LOST According to Lauren: The Mystery Trip (Recon)

Caution: This LatL has very little to do with the episode. But it was my thoughts during the entire show. You have been warned.

Last week I was on a Mystery Trip with the teens.

Which meant I wasn't able to watch LOST until Wednesday night. And it was viewed on my iPhone (LURVE!). With Taylor McDoogal sharing my earbuds.

So Tuesday morning I posted a status update on my Facebook that stated that I was going to be unable to view it that night and to please spare the spoilers.

Well the BFF decided to text me on Wednesday morning, "I just want to prepare you. Jack dies."

Now Logical Lauren would say, "Oh HAHA BFF. You're so funny. Jack isn't going to die. What a joker you are!"

But unLogical Lauren (the one who was "Spoiler Free till Episode III" and didn't check Facebook for a MONTH before HP7 was released") went, "Wait... is she joking? Surely she's joking. WHAT IF SHE ISN'T JOKING!!!"

So I texted her back. Nuthin.

Then I called her. The stinker didn't call me back! Now to be fair, she was SUPER busy that day, but my little LOST brain was in a tizzy!

And THEN to make matters more concerning, I saw a post from my friends Stephen and Julie on THEIR facebook that said, "Why LOST, why!?"

So literally, my thoughts during the entire "Recon" episode?

PLEASE DON'T LET JACK BE DEAD! Sawyer, don't kill Jack! If Jack is dead is it island Jack that is dead or is it LAX Jack? SURELY Dee is messing with me. But what if she isn't? Oh if Jack is dead I don't know what I'll do. Hey look at that strange locked room on the submarine, maybe DeadJack is in there. I love how Sawyer is a cop in the LAX timeline, do you think he'll kill Jack?

Spoiler alert: Jack didn't die.

And I breathed easy.

And the BFF laughed and shook her head in wonderment that I would ever be so foolish to listen to her lies.


karen b said...
