Friday, April 15, 2011

Allie and Lauren's To Do List

At the end of January I moved from my sweet little one bedroom apartment into a FABULOUS 2 bedroom apartment (I'll make sure and show pictures soon!). I acquired a roommate in that process! My friend Allie!

When we moved in together we knew that it would be very temporary- a year, year and a half, probably tops. With two boys (who also live together... how funny is that!) we figured that we wouldn't have too much time to live together. And sure enough, about a month and a half ago- Allie got engaged! Her wedding is next March 3rd!

We're both very crafty and like to cook and bake and while we were planning our move, we kept saying, "when we move in together, we should..." and so eventually, we made a list!

I've already crossed "learn to make tiramisu" off the list and last night we had a "crafty night" and made soap! I captured the process on video and Allie suggested that we video all of the items on our list! So look for those soon!