Well Lost has done it again. Made me so completely FREAKED out that I cry. Tonight's episode named "The Man Behind the Curtain" was fairly harmless except for one scene inside Jacob's home.
At first viewing, a few of those at my Lost party (myself included) noticed SOMEONE. After the teens had all left, I asked Carly to go back to that scene and slow it down (yay for DVRs!) and watch to make sure I wasn't completely nuts for seeing the "invisible" Jacob.
Well the first image is what we found. Carly and I paused it and began discussing who it could be. We laughed that it looked a little like Jesus and then I looked a little closer and looked at Carly and said, "Um, does that look like Locke to you?" Chills went up and down my arms and Carly looked a little closer and said, "yeah..." And then she promptly got chills too. We were both pretty impressed that I wasn't crying! Not a drop! I concluded that it was because there were lights on in the room.
Nonetheless I waited until Dustin got home before I left so Carly wouldn't have to be by herself (well and technically Shiloh, but she was sleeping).
So here's our theory. We think there's something strange with time and the island. And that IS Locke in the chair and when Jacob asks for help from Locke, Jacob knows that Locke is about to get shot. Locke is seeing himself in the future... if that makes any sense.
So I'm on my way home at like 12:30am and I'm talking to Dee on the phone and telling her my theory and all of a sudden, my whole body goes into shivers and I start sobbing. And I've been crying off and on the rest of the night whenever I think of it. I really need to get this crying when freaking out thing under control. It's starting to annoy me.
But compare the two pictures at the bottom... doesn't the top picture look an awful lot like the bottom? Or am I just nuts? Theories? Comments?
Learning as an Act of Love
5 years ago
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