Tuesday, September 04, 2007

All you need is love? Part I

I've been thinking a lot about relationships lately. Not in a "wish I had a boyfriend" kind of way because after this summer, I have not a desire in the world to be dating anyone right now, but in a way that I haven't really thought of before.

I guess it all started when I was thinking about Garden State the other day. For some strange reason the end of that movie bothered me for a long time. I was really irritated that Large stayed for a girl. All of a sudden he puts what he wants on hold for a woman. He decides that whatever he wants to prove to himself isn't important anymore and he wants to be with Sam. It's like the ending of every single love story I've ever seen. I wasn't in the mood for a love story at the time, I was in the mood for someone finding some sort of purpose beyond the realm of love for another person.

But what is life really without love? And I'm not even talking in a romantic sense. Where would I be without the love of friends and family?

It took an entire year for me to realize how important love is. And friendship for that matter. And I was thinking about it the other day and I haven't really understood the end of Garden State until now. I loved every other bit of it, but when the end would come, I would roll my eyes. But the thing is, it isn't about the romantic love. It was having someone to love for.

Because where would I be today without the people that I love? My family and friends, what would life really be if we didn't have love? What would life be without relationships? We would be robots. Robots who eat and drink and work. Relationships are my lifeforce. They are a God-given blessing in my life. They are what moved me to an unfamiliar city just 4 days ago.

And God calls us above all to love. COMANDS us to love. It's in his greatest commands for us. To love him and then love others. So life is more than just eating and drinking and living. It is about loving and finding love through those around you. And that is what Large found in Garden State. That was what made him stay. It wasn't just Sam. It was love.

And love is certainly worth staying for.


Carly said...

I had to laugh at your comment that "after this summer" you weren't looking for a boyfriend...totally funny. I am glad that you're my friend...I still think it's pretty amazing that we've come so far since the summer of '01 when we met. :) Love ya girl!

Deanna said...

all i need is your love hot stuff! : ) you should write about what we were texting about the other night. thats good stuff man!