Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hi my name is Lauren and I watch YouTube Beauty Gurus (Part 1)...

Hi Lauren...

When I was little, one of my favorite things to do was to watch my mom put on her makeup. I would sit on the large chest at the end of her bed as she sat at her antique vanity and carefully and efficiently applied "her face."

I loved makeup.

Even at an early age.

I used to sit in church on my Mimi's lap and look through the makeup bag in her purse. I would even put some of it on. I can still remember the smell and taste (like sugar!) of her Mary Kay lipgloss. In fact, I bought some a few years ago from a friend and it STILL SMELLS THE SAME.

As I grew older, I began to enjoy makeup even more. I was only allowed to wear a TINY bit in junior high. In fact, in sixth grade I was allowed to wear (very pale) lipstick. Seventh grade, (very pale) lipstick and (skin toned) blush. Eighth grade, (very pale) lipstick, (skin toned) blush, and Cover Girl powder (in the green compact!). Once I got into high school, my mom let me wear pretty much whatever I wanted as long as it was deemed appropriate (and believe me, she ALWAYS had veto power...).

Now that I'm a grown up (sorta...) and on my own, I love to fiddle around with makeup. And about a year ago, I stumbled upon Blaire Fowler, a 17 year old YouTube Beauty Guru. She was young, entertaining, and (get this) she applied makeup on camera. Like tutorials! Instantly I was intrigued. I started to watch her, and then her sister, Elle, and eventually became a subscriber to like 7 different makeup "Gurus."

Because I'm a dork...

Really I just enjoy the art of it. I'm in NO WAY close to their expertise. Which to be honest isn't so much expertise as in that they are well educated and trained, but that they are self-taught and have become incredibly proficient... And I don't even use what I learn from them, for the most part. It's soothing to me.

I am instantly taken back to a time when I was (not that much) smaller and one of the things that made me content was the ability to watch my mom put on "her face."